Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.


'Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of an intelligent effort'

Quality is never
an accident

This is the Motto of the Founder of Hansteel Fabrico, Mr. Premalal Fernando; that quality and intelligent effort are the cornerstones of success for any venture. Combining this vision for excellence and a passion for quality, he started his business of manufacturing steel office furniture 40 years ago.
Having been trained at Colombo Commercial Company (Engineers) Ltd and despite having a very secure position, Mr. Fernando took the bold step of changing direction to commence his venture, Hansteel Fabrico, which he now calls a ‘Blessing’ from above.

Over the years he steered the company to become the undisputed market leader in steel office furniture, thus providing quality products of the highest standard & winning The Industrial Excellence Platinum Award in 2009.
In late 2008 the company diversified into other product lines such as Laboratory Furniture, Mobile Compactors and Stainless Steel – Mild steel kitchens.

The pinnacle of its success was when the company was chosen over five top US manufacturers by the Canadian company Valley City & Epo Labs to supply lab furniture to prestigious US research universities such as Rockefeller, New York, Chicago, Florida and Helios to name a few.

Having trained young men with basic education under his wing (two of whom have become successful businessmen in Sri Lanka in turn providing employment to more than 20,000 employees) he continues to carry out his Mission and Service to society through this venture.

With his Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovative Skills, he continues his relentless effort to maintain the highest quality in his products despite the mounting setbacks and challenges in the industry.